第97期五月祭常任委員会ウェブシステム / The 97th May Festival Standing Committee Web System



1. 法令及びその他の規範の遵守


2. 個人情報の利用目的


3. 個人情報の委員会内における提供


4. 個人情報の第三者への提供


5. 個人情報の安全管理措置


6. 個人情報の開示請求の手続き


7. 個人情報の訂正・削除請求の手続き


8. SSL


9. Cookie

委員会の提供するウェブサイトやウェブシステムには、Cookie(クッキー)と呼ばれる技術を利用したページがあります。お使いのウェブブラウザの設定により、Cookie の機能を無効にすることができますが、その場合、ウェブサービスの一部が正常にご利用いただけなくなることがあります。

10. 各サービスごとの個人情報取り扱いについて


11. プライバシーポリシーの継続的改善


12. 個人情報の取扱いに関するお問い合わせ


13. 準拠法及び管轄裁判所





東京都文京区本郷7-3-1 東京大学構内 第二食堂3階6号室


東京都目黒区駒場3-8-1 東京大学構内 キャンパスプラザA棟1階103号室

Privacy Policy

In the event of any inconsistencies between this English version and Japanese version, the Japanese version shall prevail.

The 97th May Festival Standing Committee (hereinafter referred to as “the Committee”) shall acknowledge the importance of protecting personal information of users of the services provided by the Committee (hereinafter referred to as “users”), and when the Committee handles personal information, the Committee shall observe this Privacy Policy.

Article 1 Observance of Laws and Other Norms

The Committee shall observe laws and other norms of personal information protection when the Committee handles personal information.

Article 2 Purpose of Handling Personal Information

The Committee shall handle personal information within the limits of following purposes:

Article 3 Provision of Personal Information Inside the Committee

The Committee may provide the May Festival Standing Committee of the next and following years with personal information.

Article 4 Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

After obtaining the user’s consent, the Committee may provide third parties with personal information within the limits of the purposes of handling it mentioned in Article 2. Also, without obtaining the user’s consent, the Committee may provide third parties with personal information to the extent which the law permits. When the Committee provides personal information, the Committee shall take appropriate actions such as making it a condition that personal information is adequately protected in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Article 5 Security Control Measures of Personal Information

To properly handle personal information, the Committee shall endeavor to protect personal information by taking necessary and appropriate measures. The measures include the following.

Article 6 Procedure for Requesting Disclosure of Personal Information

The Committee shall immediately inform the procedure of disclosing its personal information in response to contact from the holder of personal information via email or the like. However, if the disclosure would result in any of the following cases, the Committee shall not disclose all or part of the information, and when the Committee decides not to disclose the information, the Committee shall notify the user to that effect without delay.

Article 7 Procedure for Requesting Correction or Deletion of Personal Information

The Committee will conduct the necessary investigation without delay when the holder of personal information requests the correction, addition, deletion, discontinuation of use, or suspension of providing it to third parties (hereinafter referred to as "corrections") of personal information via email or the like. Based on the results of the investigation, the Committee will make corrections of personal information and notify the user to that effect. However, even in this case, the Committee may not make corrections in the contents of personal information based on the provisions of laws, regulations or the like. If the Committee decides not to make corrections of personal information, the Committee shall notify the holder of personal information to that effect without delay.

Article 8 SSL

The website and the Web System provided by the Committee support SSL to protect information that users send and receive. By using a browser that supports SSL, personal information that users have entered shall be automatically encrypted and transmitted.

Article 9 Cookies

Some pages on the website and the Web System provided by the Committee use a technology called cookies. You can disable the function of cookies by customizing your web browser settings. If you do so, some services on the website may not work properly.

Article 10 Personal Information Handling of Each Service

The Committee shall observe the rules for using personal information stipulated separately for each website and Web System provided by the Committee.

Article 11 Continual Improvement of the Privacy Policy

The Committee shall continually review and update the Privacy Policy to strengthen the protection of personal information, and to comply with changes in laws and other norms. The Committee shall announce the amendment hereof on the official website or the like.

Article 12 Inquiries about the Handling of Personal Information

Please contact the office below for procedures and inquiries regarding the Committee's handling of personal information.

Article 13 Governing Law and Jurisdiction Court

This Privacy Policy abides by the Japanese Law if not given specific conditions. Any and all disputes arising out of or in connection with this Privacy Policy shall submit to the jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court or Tokyo District Court at the first instance.

The May Festival Standing Committee

Email: contact[at]gogatsusai.jp(Please replace [at] with @.)

Hongo Office

Room 6, 3rd Floor, Second Refectory (Dai-ni Shokudo), 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8654

Komaba Office

Room 103, 1st Floor, Campus Plaza Bldg. A, 3-8-1, Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902